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What Are the Most Effective Mechanisms of Power in the Today’s Global Society ? Part I
First of all, we must understand that we have reached a new stage in the evolution of warfare. The initial ...weiterlesen
After Sy Hersh’s Article: Norway, a Poseidon and PM Støre
According to both the Danish and Swedish authorities investigating the case, the destruction was enormous. The explosion at a depth ...weiterlesen
360 Degrees Nord Stream 2
There were many unforgettable moments. For example, as we crossed the border to the Kalmyk Republic, part of the multi-ethnic ...weiterlesen
Germany Gate
On 17 May 2022, after a Covid mandate-induced hiatus lasting two years, Norwegians took to the streets to celebrate the ...weiterlesen
Bonn University Fires Professor Ulrike Guérot over Allegations of ‘Plagiarism’
Editorial comment: This post was unplanned, as I had already posted a long entry earlier today. However, post it I ...weiterlesen
Volodymyr Zelensky and ethnopolitics
The Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky has been named by Time Magazine as the „Person of the Year 2022“; an obvious ...weiterlesen
Auswahl der Redaktion
Zum 79. Jahrestag der Atombombenabwürfe auf Hiroshima und Nagasaki hat die Redaktion den Vortrag “Der Fluch der bösen Tat – Hiroshima und Nagasaki” von Free21 Chefredakteur Dirk Pohlmann als Empfehlung verlinkt. Sie waren ein Menetekel, mit dessen Folgen wir leben müssen – in völliger Macht- und weitgehender Bewusstlosigkeit.
Dieser Vortrag ist ein Versuch, diesen Zustand zu ändern.
The Never-Ending Struggle
On a Monday morning seventy-seven years ago, on 6 August 1945 at 8:16 am local time, a nuclear bomb was ...weiterlesen
“The Highest Death Toll Since the Thirty Years’ War” – 81 years ago, the Wehrmacht invaded the Soviet Union
During the past two months, Kiev has repeatedly declared that Russia is waging a “war of annihilation” against Ukraine – ...weiterlesen
Corporations plunder DR Kongo and blame China
Ever since Belgium’s King Leopold II (1835-1909) established the Congo Free State in 1885, international powers have exploited the region’s ...weiterlesen
Nawalny’s Lithium & Benzo addiction and Tropicamide-Poisoning
The significance of the hair testing was identified this month by an expert toxicologist employed by the British government. “[It] ...weiterlesen
The Boot Is Coming Down Hard And Fast
Biden has announced plans to roll out new domestic terrorism laws in the wake of the Capitol Hill riot. "Mr. ...weiterlesen
Hiroshima Cover-up
The NYT reversed itself to the official narrative of categorically dismissing reports of deadly effects of radiation in articles by ...weiterlesen
“Wir drehen durch”
“Wir drehen durch” ist ein neues Gesprächsformat von Gabriele Gysi und Florian Warweg. Ziel ist es, mit unangepassten Gästen aktuelle gesellschaftliche Themen zu beleuchten. Wir werfen einen Blick auf brisante Themen, bei denen andere lieber wegschauen. Perfekt für alle, die sich für die Zustände hinter den Schlagzeilen interessieren.
In Kooperation mit dem WESTEND-Verlag
US–UK Intel Agencies Declare Cyber War on Independent Media
In just the past week, the national-security states of the United States and United Kingdom have discreetly let it be ...weiterlesen
The war against viruses will not take place
Info: *Amphibiose a term developed in the 1960s by microbiologist Theodor Rosebury to illustrate the changeable and dynamic nature of ...weiterlesen
What’s next?
Welcome to another 3. Jahrtausend interview, this time with Mr. John Shipton, father of Julian Assange, the journalist and the ...weiterlesen
Wenn die Nazi-Keule nicht mehr reicht
Bis dato war man schon Antisemit, wenn man das Finanzsystem kritisierte. Derartige Kritik gilt als struktureller Antisemitismus, da ja die ...weiterlesen
Nowitschok, Nawalny, Nordstream, Nonsense
Once Navalny was in Berlin it was only a matter of time before it was declared that he was poisoned ...weiterlesen
There’s something rotten in the State of Denmark
In 2018, Denmark was still in second place with its population of 5.5 million. In general, Northern Europeans are very ...weiterlesen
08. März 2024 | Dirk Pohlmann & Tobias Augenbraun
Taurus-Affäre – Absprachen mit US-Generälen 4 Monate, bevor die deutsche Politik involviert wird?
Entwickelt sich Taurus-Leak zum Taurus-Gate? Wer hat wirklich das Kommando über die Bundeswehr?
US diplomats involved in trafficking of human blood and pathogens for secret military program
Pentagon scientists have been deployed in 25 countries and given diplomatic immunity to research deadly viruses, bacteria and toxins at ...weiterlesen
Tracking the „Deep State“
Editor's note: In April 2018, Free21's founder and editor-in-chief, the late Tommy Hansen, traveled around Denmark with what turned out ...weiterlesen
The People vs. Paris
Not much at all, it turns out. As of press time, the yellow jackets have announced their intention [2] to ...weiterlesen
The Transatlantic Database
There is a platform in Austria called „Wer liefert Was“. There, interested parties can find out which products and services ...weiterlesen
The Dike Breaks
The Netherlands have just announced that they are ending their support for al-Qaeda‘s propaganda gang, the ‘White Helmets’. They are ...weiterlesen
Society Is Made Of Narrative
[Editor's note] The narrative: A meaningful narrative (providing orientation in a culture or a social group) that has an influence on ...weiterlesen