There is a beginning in every end

Von Free21-DE/Verein , veröffentlicht am: 19. August 2018, Kategorien: Uncategorized

He was and remains, our friend, colleague, role model and inspiration.

In his last days and weeks, Tommy was cared for by great friends. He was at peace and able to work without distraction. His only concern was to give all his strength to Free 21 and its people, and to ensure its structures were stable so it will continue to thrive and grow now, and into the future.

For now, we wish to leave things at that point. This should be a time for mourning and silent remembrance – the questions and answers will have to wait for now, but there are some things that we can say for certain.

Free21 will continue.

Tommy’s inspiration stays with us, and will lead us.

Lukas, Marika, Holger, Meinhard, Lya, Paul and many more.

There is a beginning in every end

Von Free21-DE/Verein , veröffentlicht am: 19. August 2018, Kategorien: Uncategorized

He was and remains, our friend, colleague, role model and inspiration.

In his last days and weeks, Tommy was cared for by great friends. He was at peace and able to work without distraction. His only concern was to give all his strength to Free 21 and its people, and to ensure its structures were stable so it will continue to thrive and grow now, and into the future.

For now, we wish to leave things at that point. This should be a time for mourning and silent remembrance – the questions and answers will have to wait for now, but there are some things that we can say for certain.

Free21 will continue.

Tommy’s inspiration stays with us, and will lead us.

Lukas, Marika, Holger, Meinhard, Lya, Paul and many more.