Power to the paper 2.0 – another milestone
In August 2014, I moved to Berlin and started the project Free21.org. In the beginning, it was just me and the idea. The first issue of the Free21 magazine was ...weiterlesen
There is a beginning in every end
He was and remains, our friend, colleague, role model and inspiration. In his last days and weeks, Tommy was cared for by great friends. He was at peace and able ...weiterlesen
The rationalists and their fake news
The mechanisms of self-censorship inherent in actually existing precarious journalism and setting the boundaries of its freedom of expression are characterized by angst and subservience to the establishment. Dissenters are ...weiterlesen
The New Media World Order
The West is going through an unprecedented systemic crisis: powerful forces are directing the totality of media towards a single orientation. At the same time, media content has changed. As ...weiterlesen
Before 2011, Libya was Africa’s richest country – now a scene of horrifying atrocities
The Libyan War led to al-Qaeda-affiliated groups taking power, and to this day, the country lies in complete ruins. When the Gaddafi regime fell, it was then al-Qaeda-affiliated leaders ...weiterlesen
We help Al Qaida affiliated terrorists, we do not fight them?
Editors comment: When Aleppo fell, the 30,000 terrorists journeyed to Idlib together with the White Helmets and NGOs such as Norwac, Norwegian People’s Aid and Doctors Without Borders, to name ...weiterlesen
Who used poison gas in Syria?
T here was a poison gas attack in Khan Sheikhoun, Syria, on April 4th, 2017, causing more than 70 deaths. Yet, it is still completely unclear who pulled the strings. ...weiterlesen
Behind every refugee stands an arms trader
Refugees and migrants In various media reports and political statements the word ”refugee” is increasingly being replaced by ”migrant” – hardly just a coincidence given the fact that the number ...weiterlesen
Why Google “made the NSA”
A major function of mass surveillance that is often overlooked is that of knowing the adversary to such an extent that they can be manipulated into defeat. The problem is ...weiterlesen
Who is responsible for the Pakistan school massacre?
US officials have been quick to point the finger at Pakistan, noting the role of the notorious ‘S Wing’ of state military intelligence, the ISI, in covertly sponsoring various Taliban ...weiterlesen
9/11 evidence to go public in Danish and UK courts
Expert witnesses to the ‘terror’ events at the World Trade Center in 2001 prepare to appear for the first time at the Danish High Court Expert witnesses on the events ...weiterlesen
How the Malaysian MH17 Boeing was shot down?
At least nine holes in the skin of downed Malaysian airplane MH17 are characteristic of the effect of an “air-to-air” missile which excludes the “Putin’s missile” version of the event. New ...weiterlesen